Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Your husband was right, you are just an ass who wants attention, and that really sucks!

I thought your husband was such a narcissistic, jealous asshole.

And he was.

I also thought he was a jerk for all of the shitty things he said about you.

And he was.

But it also turns out all of those shitty things he said about you were true.

You are just an ass who wants attention.

You are just playing yourself when you play loud, obnoxious, bitchy whores.

You are all of those horrible things he said about you and more.

But you also can be and are sometimes an amazing human being capable of great things.

But I never saw that person.

I never got to know that person.

I only got to know the ass who just wanted my attention.

I only got to know the bitchy whore.

They say you are the company you keep,

And the company you have kept has been rather poor.

Poor in spirit.

Poor in values.

Poor to the core.

Maybe if you had spent your life around better people, in a better place, working in a better business,

You might have been better to me.

You might have treated me like I was a human being with feelings,

Because I am.

I don't like that he was right.

But he was also wrong.

He only got the worst of you because you only got the worst of him.

He didn't want the best of you,

But I do.

And now he's gone,

No longer in between us.

Only the two of us are stopping each other now.

God, I miss you.

Can't we just start all over again?

They say the third time is the charm.

Maybe this time our timing will finally be right.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

All I wanted was a friend, but all you wanted was to fuck...

And you wonder why I'm gone.

I need more than the occasional fuck.

I'm not a man, you know.

I'm a woman who needs love, kindness, and romance.

Not just fucking.

Maybe you're a man since that is all you want?

So many ladies are becoming men,

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

But what you need to stop being surprised about is that I only see you as an enemy because all you want from me is to fuck.

I'm more than just a quick fuck.

I'm a human being with feelings.

You pretend to have so many feelings for people, 

So where are all of these "feelings" for me?

Where is all of this so-called "nice" person everyone told me you were before I finally ran into you?

Because I've never seen this "nice" person at all.

All I've ever seen is a whorish bitch who treats me like I'm garbage to be thrown away as soon as you get what you want, 

Which is a quick fuck in the dark so no one will ever know you like pussy as much as dick, if not more.

You never inquired what I wanted.

Well, it was a friend.

And you, lady, are no friend.

Which is all I was looking for in the first place.

Guess I better keep looking.

You ain't it, after all.

I don't think that I consider myself a lesbian anymore...I'm just a woman who loves big boobs and cleavage...

I always hated the term "lesbian" anyway.

It seemed redundant.

I'm just plain ole gay.

I had been trying to claim the label "lesbian" for the last few years because the trans craze is killing all of us gay women.

Our AIDS crisis has finally arrived and we are encouraging it to wipe us out.

So, who wants to be a lesbian anyway?

Apparently, no one.

We either hide in the closet or claim ourselves a man or genderless or the "hip and cool" term, queer.

And those very few of us who do claim the title of "lesbian" end up with a very sad, lonely, painful life.

Just like all those old movies told us would happen.

Well, they were right.


It did happen.

At least to me.


I love big boobs.

I love cleavage.

And that's about it.

So, whatever that makes me.

A boobie, maybe?

So long lesbians.

So long LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ madness.

I am a simple woman who is in love and in lust with my female partner and that is really all that matters.

Labels be damned.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The most homophobic people I have ever had to deal with as a lesbian have NOT been Republicans, but instead it has been Democrats...YES, Democrats, who have been the most homophobic of them all...

The big bad homophobic boogie man is not a Republican,

Oh no, oh no.

Instead, what I have discovered in my 25 years now of being an out lesbian is that it is Democrats,

YES, Democrats,

Who are the most homophobic bullies of them all.

Pretty much all of the insults, bullying, and berating I have received simply for being a gay woman have come from people who claim to love me for being me.


What a joke!

It's surprising when you realize the scariest monster of them all is the one that screams the loudest that they love you when in fact that can't stand you.

So, don't judge people based on who they vote for.

That tells you nothing about a person.


Judge them for how they treat you.

That will tell you everything about who a person really is.

Just because you vote for people who supposedly support our rights doesn't mean you're not a big ole homophobe.

When you tell someone "It's not because you're gay,"

It means it IS because I'm GAY!

I would much rather you hate me to my face instead of behind my back.

It's much easier to deal with your enemies when you know who they are.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Why Are American Lesbian Movies and TV Series Historically So Bad???

Being a lifelong cinephile,

Or at least up until about 2015, I was a cinephile before Hollywood started falling apart and stopped making good cinema.

But anyway,

When I figured out that I was lesbian way back in 1999,

And before Hollywood started making piles of unwatchable trash,

I got so excited because I thought a whole new world of films had opened up to me -

Lesbian-themed films.

And so as soon as I figured out that I was a big ole dyke,

I consumed every lesbian film that was available to me at the local Blockbuster at the time.

But except for a few gems,

Most of the lesbian films at my local Blockbuster pretty much sucked.

And then over the years as more and more lesbian cinema became available to me, 

I kept hoping against hope that lesbian movies would get better.

But mostly, they didn't.

They just got worse,

And worse,

And worse.

So many bad lesbian films to watch.

So little time to watch them all.

Lesbian films are so bad that they make Hallmark movies seem like Masterpiece Theatre.

The handful of lesbian films and TV series that I ended up liking were made by gay men, lesbians from other countries, and what eventually became a trans man, aka Elliot Page, but back when he was a lesbian and not so annoying.

And now that it has been 25 years since I first started exploring lesbian cinema,

Only to discover it mostly sucked,


I have officially and finally given up on anything associated with lesbian entertainment.

Especially when it is from America.

The films suck.

The TV shows suck.

The reality shows are just plain awful and embarrassing.

Let's face it lesbian ladies,

For the most part,

You are not good at making entertainment.

Especially when you're from America.

At least gay men's movies are good.

So are their TV series.

I would say that I should have been born a gay man,

But I love breasts too much.

I guess being able to love beautiful breasts was more important to me than watching a good film.

Maybe now that all the lesbians are turning into trans men and nonbinary folks, they can start making decent films??

Perhaps it's testosterone that creates good cinema??

Because being a lesbian sure ain't the trick.

Or at least an American lesbian.

Maybe American lesbians are the reason why Hollywood movies suck so much today?

It sure wouldn't surprise me if American lesbians were behind all of the unwatchable crap clogging up the streaming services no one wants anymore.

Now the whole world knows what I learned long ago,

Lesbians from America just can't make good movies.

Even this poem kind of sucks,

That's how bad lesbian entertainment is.

I can't even write good poetry about how bad it is.

The End.

No happy ending here.

Which is typical of lesbian entertainment.

We always die alone and unhappy.

The End for good.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Where are the trophies and accolades for us ordinary, everyday people??

Famous and rich people sure do get a lot of trophies and accolades.

They get trophies for doing their jobs where they make ungodly sums of money.

They get trophies for doing "charity" work where they really just help themselves.

They get trophies just for being rich and famous them.

But what about ordinary, everyday people who keep this world turning?

Where are our trophies?

Where are our accolades?

Where are the praises and thank yous for keeping this world functioning daily?

Thanks, garbage guy for making sure our neighborhood doesn't stink.

Thanks, Amazon delivery lady for helping me not have to trek my ass to the local Wal-Mart.

Thanks, plumbing guy for not spending a fortune on useless college so you can unclog my sink.

How about trophies for them?

How about red-carpet events for them?

How about we start loving and appreciating everyday, ordinary people?

And how about we stop worshipping people who never deserved worshipping in the first place?

Everybody hates puberty! Everybody hates their body! Get over it! You're not special!

This trans craze has all of its devout followers crying and screaming and moaning and complaining about how horrible puberty was for them.

They bitch and moan and complain and cry and scream as well about how much they hate their bodies.

They want us to see them as special and different and that we should feel sorry for them for all of this special and different-nance of theirs because of how very unique they are indeed for hating puberty and hating their bodies.







You are NOT special.

You are NOT different.

You are just whiny and complaining robots of narcissism,

And we all want you to just shut up already!

Do whatever in the fuck you want with your bodies.

We don't care.

All you are doing is akin to cosmetic procedures anyway and people have been obsessed with cosmetic procedures since humans invented them.

Welcome to the club of being obsessed with being beautiful and loved.

Now just stay away from the kids.

Let kids be kids.

And after you finally leave the kids alone,

Just shut up already and leave us alone with your whining and complaining and moaning and groaning about how much you hated puberty and your body.

Or how about you join us in how we all can share in the pain of never ever never being satisfied in our bodies ever.

That is what being a human being is all about, Charlie Brown.

There are way better fights to fight than this one.

This isn't even a fight at all.

Some people just don't know when they've won.

Especially when you were the losers in history for so long.

I guess that I'm never going to grow out of loving grape soda...

I'm 51 years old now,

But whenever I drink a grape soda,

I suddenly feel like I am six years old again and sipping on a Welch's grape soda straight out of a glass bottle...



But I thought for sure by now at 51 years old,

With gray hair and everything,

That I would have more sophisticated tastes in beverages.

But nope.

I still love me a grape soda.

If only six-year-old me knew that I would still be the same kid at 51.

Thank God!

I never wanted to be an adult anyway.

Well, except when I'm in bed with my wife.

Then I very much want to be and am an adult.

But besides sex,

Who wants to be an adult??

I gotta go sip on another grape soda now,

And laugh at how no matter how old I get,

I am always going to be a kid at heart drinking on a grape soda.

I have soooooooooo never been a part of the popular crowd and I soooooooooo never will be...

I'm too honest.

I speak the truth, 

And people hate the truth.

I can see that the emperor is naked,

And no one in a popular crowd wants you to see that.

You're supposed to see him fully clothed,

You see,

And I don't.

So no likes for me.

No hordes of adoring masses clamoring for more of me.

People only like me when they are all alone with me.

I'm only popular with people then.

In the dark when no one else can see that they really agree with me and my truths.

But when the sun comes out and the masses begin to gather again,

I am abandoned and forgotten.

You can't be with the popular crowd if you are with me,

You see,

And no one wants to be alone,

Not even unpopular me.

Monday, April 22, 2024

You were a lousy lover and an even more terrible human being...

The spell has finally been broken.

The dream and the nightmare of you are both over.

I have woken up to reality,

And I've discovered that life without you is so much better than life with you,

Because I never really had a life with you,

Now did I?

All I had with you was a few horrible fucks that made me think it was love,

But it was only lust and hate.

No wonder I didn't end up with you in my life.

I deserved so much better than you.

And I got better too without you.

I don't need you anymore.

I never did.

All I needed from you was a lesson learned.

Been there.

Done that.

Never again.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

I may be a lesbian, but I am sooooooooo NOT a member of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community...

When I first figured out that I was a lesbian at 26 years old way back in 1999,

I was so excited because I thought that I was finally going to be a member of a community.

I thought that I was finally going to have a family.

Oh boy!

Was I ever wrong, wrong, WRONG!

I found no community.

I found no family.

All I found was a bunch of women who competed with me or drooled over me,

Or a bunch of men who wanted nothing to do with me because,




What a joke the LGBT "community" turned out to be.

All they did was moan, bitch, and complain,

And try to fuck me.

Or fuck me over.

The End.

And now they are all obsessed with the trans craze,

Which I don't get at all.

And they refuse to see how dangerous all of this medicalization of our bodies is...


Even though I love breasts,

Which makes me a lesbian,

That don't mean that I belong to no alphabet community.

I started my own family anyway.

And I like them way better.

Which is all I wanted when I figured out that I was gay,

A family of my own.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

I thought you wanted a cute boy, so why did you end up with a fat, grumpy old man??

I have a terrible habit,

Or at least I used to have this terrible habit,

Which was falling in love with repressed bisexual women.

Oh, I loved me some repressed bisexual women.

I fell in love with them here.

I fell in love with them there.

I fell in love with repressed bisexual women everywhere!

But even though these repressed bisexual women loved me right back,

All these repressed bisexual women cried out publicly for was a cute boy.

Do you know a cute boy?

Where's a cute boy?

Did you know that I gotta have a cute boy?

They would ask me.

No, I don't know any cute boys,

Except me.

I was a cute boy.

Or at least I looked like a cute boy even though I was a girl.

But I wasn't good enough for the repressed bisexual women who only openly lusted after cute boys,

Because I wasn't an actual boy.

That's all they cared about really in the end,

Being with someone with a penis,

Because they so desperately needed to be accepted by family, friends, and society at large.

And I didn't have a penis,

Nor did I ever want one.

Well, all of these repressed bisexual women who secretly loved me,

But openly cried out for a cute boy,

They all ended up with fat, grumpy old men instead.

And guess what?

Karma is real 


Even though I'm a 51-year-old middle-aged woman now,

I'm still a cute boy.

But I still don't have a penis and I still don't want one.

Well, except for all those fake penises that I have in the drawer of my nightstand,

But those are really more for my wife, not for me,

Although, I have been told that I am quite skilled at using them.

I hope all those repressed bisexual women who turned down my love because I wasn't technically a cute boy are happy with their grumpy, old, fat men.

I hope being accepted by family, friends, and society was worth being with these grumpy, fat old men instead of me.

And as for me?

I did finally catch me a bisexual woman,

But she was out of the closet and looking for female love, not a cute boy when I met her.

And even though it is soooooooooo superficial of me,

My wife is way hotter than all of those repressed bisexual women who secretly loved me are now.

Sometimes the universe knows what it's doing when it keeps you away from repressed bisexual women who can't stop clamoring out loud for all the world to hear for a cute boy.

Because the universe has a much better mate for you who isn't looking for a superficial relationship,

But for real love instead.

And real love comes in packages that aren't just exclusively in the cute-boy size.

Sometimes we are a beautiful woman who would have made for a cute boy,

But we chose to be a woman instead,

And we like it that way.

Because by being a beautiful woman instead of a cute boy,

We filtered out superficial love,

And found the real thing for life.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

My uncle once had Thanksgiving dinner with Tim Burton...

A long time ago,

In a galaxy far, far away,

Or better known as Los Angeles, California, circa 1991,

My very gay uncle,

Who had a very brief affair with Anthony Perkins,

And had Liberace over to his parent's house for spaghetti dinner,

Now had a new tale to add to our family legacy of celebrity encounters...

He had Thanksgiving dinner with the man who directed a superhero human bat.

My older sister and I were so excited when we heard the news.

"Uncle David is having Thanksgiving dinner with Tim Burton??!!"

We exclaimed.

But later when we asked for details about the now legendary dinner,

All we got from our uncle was,

"He was weird, but he liked my dogs."

The End.

And that there is the disappointing tale of how my uncle once had Thanksgiving dinner with the famous director who can never seem to direct his hair to behave.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I am forever and completely done with the madness that is the gender identity game...

Not that I was ever into the madness of the gender identity game to begin with,


Now that calling yourself gay or lesbian is considered racist,

And we have to now refer to ourselves as "same-gender loving"

I'm done.

I have got a real life to live here, people,

I don't have time to keep up with the ever-changing politically correct rules of being homosexual.

We can get married.

We can adopt our kids.

We can serve in the military.

We can't be denied housing or employment based on our attraction to the same sex.


Why is everyone making up stuff to fight for that never existed until the gay equality fight was won?????

Are you bored?

Do you need something new to occupy your time???

How about getting married?

How about having kids?

We fought so long and so hard to win these rights that should have been ours eons ago.

Maybe we should enjoy them now that we have them????

You're not oppressed.

No one cares what your gender identity or sexuality is anymore.

You are just unhappy with your life because it isn't fulfilling.

Careers and gender identity are NOT fulfilling.

Having a spouse who loves you no matter what will make your life fulfilling.

Having children will make your life both fulfilling,

And keep you so damn busy you won't care what gender you are just as long as you can get some sleep.

Stop making up fights that don't exist.

Just get a life.

A married with a 9-5 job and kids' kind of traditional life that no one can take from us because we are now equal in society with everyone else.

It's a lot more fulfilling and satisfying than you can imagine.

And it's what we fought for so why aren't we enjoying the spoils of our victory????

Monday, March 18, 2024

Now that my wife and me are moms, we are always at Target too...

I had heard for years via some very hilarious videos on YouTube that moms love Target.

They go to Target all the time and end up always buying up the whole store.

I thought it was ridiculous for women to do this.

"Who wants to buy a bunch of crap at Target???"

I would often think as I watched these YouTube treasures of decadence at discount prices.

Well, the wife and me hadn't been moms yet until very recently,

Except to cats,

But I guess cats aren't Target fans either,

Because until we had our son 15 months ago,

The wife and me just never went to Target.

We never thought about Target.

We never even drove past a Target.

Target just wasn't on our radars.





But now at least one day a week,

The wife and me are like those silly YouTube videos too making fun of the Target mom obsession.

We find ourselves going in for just one thing - 

Only baby food, we are only buying baby food.

But the next thing you know,

We have bought up half the store of baby things and more.

I guess lesbian moms are just like straight moms,

We love ourselves some Target shopping too.

I gotta go now.

It's time for another Target run.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

I once channeled two people who first accepted me, but ultimately rejected me...

Oh yeah, channeling is a thing.

We're all too busy worshiping our smart phones and declaring our pronoun choices and mutilating our bodies to conform to our new gender to notice this ancient gift we have.

Well, I am not much into smart phones or pronouns or body mutilating sex changes, so I found myself accidentally running into this old, ancient gift of ours.

I wish I had been addicted to cell phones and mutilitaing my body and lost in the pronoun wars instead.


Because I channeled two fools who at first accepted me with open arms,

But ultimately ended up treating me like I was garbage to just be thrown out when they were done with me.

Maybe this is why we don't channel each other anymore?

Because you run into selfish jerks who are too worried about keeping up appearances?

I channeled two very pretty and very closeted homosexuals.

I was trying to help them come out of the closet and choose a life of freedom and love.

But nope.

They wanted to stay in the "in crowd" and be adored by starryeyed idiots like me who worship them only for their beauty.

But they're both getting old and wrinkled now.

That beauty of theirs they so adore is fading.

And starryeyed idiots like me who loved their beauty have found other, younger beauties to love.

I wonder if they miss me now that I'm gone too?

I wonder if they regret treating me like garbage to be thrown out once they got what they wanted from me?

One got to play with the idea of having a family.

The other got to play with the idea of finally having a female lover.

But they both got bored and scared of these ideas and ran for the hills,

Leaving me all alone and brokenhearted and wondering what the hell happened.

I find myself mostly hating these two people now that I once so loved.

But I also find myself occasionally loving on them again too.

But then I remember they only saw me as garbage,

And so the love I had for them and am trying desperately to get back to disappears again.

But it wasn't really me they were treating like garbage;

It was themselves.

They hate themselves.

They despise themselves.

They are always self-sabotaging themselves out of love.

I was love,

And they can't handle love.


Occasionally I do find myself returning to them,

Wondering if they are ready for love yet,

Because as poorly as they treated me, I do still love them.

But for the most part,

I'm done with channeling.

There is a reason why we aren't with all of our tribe anymore.

I certainly know the reason now why I broke from mine and am building a brand-new tribe instead.

I want a tribe of love and acceptance.

I want a tribe of people who are not even aware of self-loathing.

I want a whole and happy and healthy tribe.

I lived in a sad and sick one for far too long.

That ain't my jam no more.

And one day when the two closet cases wake up to reality and finally realize what I am building,

Hopefully they will join us too.

But until then,

I got my new tribe going now and because of this,

I don't really need them anymore.

I hate my job...

I hate my job.

It's a reminder that I failed as a writer.

I hate my job.

It doesn't even pay me minimum wage.

I hate my job.

I haven't had a raise since I started working almost 4 years ago now.

I hate my job.

It is meaningless and always leaves me unsatisfied at the end of the day.

I hate my job.

They took away my retirement benefits soon after I was hired.

I hate my job.

But I need it to buy groceries.

I hate my job.

But I need it to buy gas.

I hate my job.

I think I will go on a strict diet, then I won't need so many groceries.

I hate my job.

I will drive less so no need for so much gas.

I hate my job.

It is just a reminder that all of my talents and intelligence will forever go wasted.

I hate my job.

And that's all there is to say.

Now I have to get back to work,

Because I can't afford to quit,

Even though I hate my job.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

I want a movie buddy again...

A long time ago,

In a galaxy far, far away,

Or better known as Gainesville, Florida circa 1995-1999,

I had a movie buddy.

It was a great four years with my movie buddy and me.

We went to practically every movie released in those four fun years.

We saw everything from The Birdcage to Titanic to Sense and Sensibility and everything in between.

We laughed.

We cried.

We only spent $3.50 a ticket because we were both poor so we only went to the cheap showings.

But then one day, I realized I was gay,

And my movie buddy soon became no more.

She was afraid of gay-me.

I might find her attractive, you see.

She was very pretty, I do admit,

But I always saw my movie buddy as a big sis, not ever as a possible lover.

But being gay was just too much for my movie buddy,

Attraction to her or not,

Our movie-viewing days together were now forever over.

My wife has tried to be my movie buddy,

But we rarely have the same tastes in films.

Plus, she's a book person, and not a fan of the screen at all, really.

I still miss my movie buddy all the time.

Whenever a film comes out that I want to see,

I always think of her and wonder if she's watching that movie too.

I wonder if she found a new movie buddy,

Because I never did.

Maybe one day I will have a movie buddy again,

But until then,

I will be attending the cinema all alone...


A couple of weeks after I finished this poem,

The only movie theater in the town that I live in closed.

So, I guess if I'm going to have a movie buddy again,

This person needs to watch movies at home with me.

And if I would open my eyes and see,

That movie buddy of mine that I've been seeking,

Came into my life 16 months ago,

Because my son watches TV with me now.

We don't necessarily have the same taste,


But it is nice to have a TV pal again.

Even if we mostly just watch Super Simple Songs on YouTube.

Hey, those songs may be simple,

But they are super good.

When a dreamer stops dreaming...

I used to be a dreamer.

And I was damn good at it too.

I dreamed when I was awake.

I dreamed when I was asleep.

I had big dreams.

I had little dreams.

I had lucid dreams.

I just dreamed and dreamed and dreamed...

But then one day I woke up and realized that I had wasted my life dreaming...

None of those dreams were realistic.

Almost none of those dreams came true.

I dreamed and dreamed and dreamed for nothing...


I don't dream anymore.


I don't know how to exist now without dreaming either.

I don't seem to be existing very well without dreaming that maybe one day...

Dreaming was my life,

But now my dream of dreaming is dead.

Long live realism,

I guess.

But when it comes to realism,

All it does is remind me why I dreamed in the first place,

Because my real life has mostly really sucked!

I don't know what I'm doing here.

I don't know why I'm with the person I chose to spend my life with.

I don't even know now why I wanted kids.

I don't know anything at all anymore...

I'm so exhausted from my dreams,

But I'm also exhausted from reality too...

All my dreaming turned into thinking,

And all I can think now is,

What the hell is my life and why have I been so miserable for most of it?????

Maybe that is why I dreamed and dreamed and dreamed for so long?

My reality wasn't worth living,

So, in a dreamworld I resided.

But I tore down that house too,

And I'm too old and too tired now to rebuild my dreamworld.

I don't even know where I'm going with this poem.

I'm too depressed to figure out why I'm even here writing this...

My dreamworld has turned into my reality of pain and tears...

Don't dream kids,

Dreams only kill you.

They don't make you stronger.

Friday, March 8, 2024

I have been in love with two women pretty much my whole life...

It is possible to be in love with two people at the same time.

I should know because that is what has happened to me.

Since I've known of their existence,

I have loved these two women.

I loved them before I even knew they were on planet Earth with me,

Because I've always known that I had two women to choose from.

Way back in early 1999,

I sent a prayer to God to help me find a mate,

Because I was terrible at dating and just wanted to find that person I was supposed to be with already.

And the moment I asked for help, I saw the two women I could have,

But I was also shown that only one of them would answer my call in time to catch me.

Only one of them I could have,

But forever I would be craving both of them.

Always in limbo, I am,

With the one I love,

But also, 

Always away from my other love.

Forever together,

And forever apart...

Sometimes my other love and I run into each other.

But usually, it is unpleasant,

Violently sexual,

And ends in pain and tears.

It ain't easy being apart,

But apparently, we can't ever be together either.

And that is probably why I was given two loves instead of one,

Because only one was willing to spend their life with me,

While my other love forever runs free...

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Motherhood, the toughest job you'll ever love...

Commercials lied to me when I was a kid.

The Peace Corps isn't the toughest job you'll ever love;

It's being a mom.

When I worked as a secretary at the University of Florida, I met and became friends with several former Peace Corps members.

They got all kinds of praise and glory for their hard work helping the unfortunate and getting paid so little for it.

Of course, they were all getting master's and doctorate degrees so soon would be having high-paying, highfalutin jobs to go along with all of that glory and praise.

But when it comes to being a mom, 

There's no pay and no glory.

But that is what being a mom is all about, Charlie Brown;

It is all about sacrifice, sacrifice, SACRIFICE.

You give it your all or you shouldn't even try it at all.

You fuck up all the time,

But you learn from your mistakes and try harder next time not to do it again.

You are their caretaker,

Their mentor,

Their disciplinarian.

You are sometimes the bad guy but for their own good and development.

It hurts like hell, but you do it anyway because that is what motherhood is all about,

It's not about you,

But all about your kid.

It's about never getting 8 hours of sleep in a row ever again,

So you are tired all the time always because you never stop moving and because you never stop worrying about what bad thing could happen to them, and how awful the world is now and will it be even worse for them when they grow up????????

It's about not showering for days because there is never the time or opportunity.

It's about suddenly building really big biceps even though working out for decades barely made a dent in their development because you now are never not holding your kid or carrying your kid somewhere or moving them from here to there.

You will never work out more in your life than when you have a kid.

It's about getting really good with only using one hand because, once again, you are never not holding your kid, because they demand it and they are just so damn cute and lovable, you obey.

It's about never sitting down and having a warm meal ever again.

It's about never having a neat and tidy house ever again because there are toys and baby things everywhere.

It's about developing a very strong bladder and colon because you never have time to use the bathroom ever again.

It's about letting go of your unfulfilled dreams so you can make room to help your kid's dreams come true.

It is about unconditional love, warm snuggles, and toothless grins that make your heart melt.

It's about experiencing a love like you've never experienced before,

Wondering if this magical, wonderful spell will ever end because you couldn't imagine your life without it now.

Once again,

It is about sacrifice,



For the greater good.

Not for you,

But for your kid.


We women were told by the feminists that it should be a thing of our past,

That a career is where our true hearts and passions are.

The feminists were evil, jealous liars.

Careers are only killers for kids.

Motherhood is where our destinies are truly at,

Because motherhood is the toughest job we will ever love.

Motherhood is a part of our hearts.

Motherhood is part of our souls.

But we forgot about it long ago.

I'm so glad that I woke up from that nightmare.

Motherhood was always my true destiny,

And it is so many women's true destiny too.

It's time we sacrificed again for our kid's sake instead of only ever for our own.

originally created 12/2/2023

If you're nonbinary, then it's a no-no to call yourself a lesbian...

I'm a lesbian, 

Which means that I am a WOMAN who is attracted sexually to other WOMEN.

If you're nonbinary, 

Then you're NOT a woman.


You can't call yourself a lesbian.

You can call yourself queer, 


But being nonbinary basically means you're genderless,

And sexuality is based on gender,


If you are going to have 7 million genders and fancy names to go with them,

Then you need to stick to your damn dumb labels and asinine definitions for these many, many, many, oh so many genders you created out of the blue just a few years ago.

Nonbinary people are NOT and CANNOT ever be a lesbian.


Now, please, leave us poor lesbians alone.

It's hard enough dealing with women as a lesbian,

We don't need your confused gender issues to deal with as well.

In other words,

This war on gender,

And binary,

And non-binary

And trans,

And cis,

And all of that crap is just that - 


Crap that is dividing us!

Crap that is making us hate each other!

Crap that is making us chop off perfectly healthy body parts!

And put chemicals into our bodies that have no business being there!

Good luck being a medical patient for the rest of your lives that are now being shortened due to all of these unnecessary surgeries and cross-sex hormones that have no business being in your perfectly healthy body.

This "healthcare" is being pushed on you,

Making you think that you desperately need dangerous alternations in order to be happy.

The healthcare system is a scam.

And doctors,

And hospitals,

And insurance companies

Don't give a shit about you.


You'll see.

And hopefully,

You'll learn.

God help you.

And I thought the AIDS crisis back in the 1980s was awful.

This gender identity/trans madness is just death to us gays by papercuts.

Please God, please heal my broken heart...

Dear God,

I have tried for decades to heal my broken heart,

But as hard as I try,

It just never gets healed.

In fact,

It just keeps getting broken

Over and

Over and

Over again...

And now my heart is in a million fucking pieces, scattered all over,

And there's just no way for me to find all the pieces to put my heart back together again.

I just can't do the healing on my own.

I need the Wizard to find my way home.

So, I'm sending out another prayer to you since the last one I sent turned out so damn good.

I need your help again.

Please guide me to a healed heart.

Please guide me to peace.

I'm so tired of living in terror.

Love always,

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Hey, Hollywood, who’s taking care of your kids???

People in Hollywood are just soooooooooooooooo busy.

So very, very, very, very, very busy.

They are important people,

And important people are always very, very, very, very, very busy.

Soooooooooooooooo busy.

Hollywood celebrities are always going here,

And going there.

They are always doing this important thing,

And doing that important thing.

They have a job in this town this week,

And then the next week they have a job in that other town waaaaaayyyyyy over there.

They are collecting trophies in one part of the world,

And then doing "charity" work in the other part.

And while being oh so busy, people in Hollywood get asked lots of questions.










But with all of these questions that get asked to these very important and very busy Hollywood celebrities about their busy careers and their important lives and all the amazing and spectacular fetes that they perform for us simple, ordinary masses,

No one ever asks,

"Hey, Hollywood, who's taking care of your kids?"

Because that's the question I always want to ask these Hollywood celebrities.

Hey, Kate Winslet, while you were learning to hold your breath underwater for 7 minutes for some movie sequels no one ever asked for and no one cares about, where were your kids?

Who was taking care of them?

And was it worth it to pay strangers to care for your kids just so you could play pretend in your middle age for millions of dollars when you already have more money than you could ever spend?

Hey, Tom Cruise, who's taking care of your youngest daughter while you hang off of a flying airplane that impresses no one just to prove how heterosexual you are?

Maybe you should be giving her a hug and some fatherly advice instead of flashing us a toothy grin?

Hey, Melissa Etheridge, instead of continuing on with your concert when you heard your son was in a terrible snowboarding accident, maybe you should have quit the show and taken him to the hospital to get proper care?

Maybe you would be able to give him a hug still instead of babbling endlessly to sycophantic talk show hosts about how much you miss him?

Hey, Hollywood,

How about you go take care of your kids instead?

Because I hear that these Hollywood kids are terribly sad and can't function to the point that they are dying.

They are committing suicide,

And having drug overdoses,

And can't even figure out how to buy groceries at a grocery store.

Hollywood kids need their parents too.

And they are all dying while you play your parts and perform your songs for your millions of dollars and your millions of fans,

Instead of being home to just be their mom or their dad.

Is playing pretend or singing a pretty song worth their pain?

Maybe it's time to let your kids be the stars of your life instead of you?

Because they're all dying while they forever wait for you.

originally created on 6/18/2021

Let’s face it, trailers nowadays are better than movies…

Movies are mostly just terrible these days.

Time and again lately, I turn on a movie that I think I will love, only to discover it is a piece of shit, except for the parts from the trailer, which I had already seen, because I saw the trailer first and said, "Ooh, that looks good," so I decided to check out the movie, only to once again be fooled by the trailer that the movie would actually be good.

It ain't.

But the trailer was.

The trailer is always better than corporate Hollywood movies nowadays, so I stopped watching movies from Hollywood altogether recently and now just watch the trailers instead. That way I am never disappointed and always leave happy.

Plus, it only takes about 3 minutes to watch a trailer, so much more time to do other important things like watching YouTube videos.

Is it just me or is the best entertainment lately YouTube videos?

Even trailers can't top YouTube videos about cats doing cute stuff.

How did we ever survive before cats doing cute stuff on YouTube??

Ancient Egyptians would be proud.

And addicted to YouTube.

originally created on 4/16/2021