Friday, March 8, 2024

I have been in love with two women pretty much my whole life...

It is possible to be in love with two people at the same time.

I should know because that is what has happened to me.

Since I've known of their existence,

I have loved these two women.

I loved them before I even knew they were on planet Earth with me,

Because I've always known that I had two women to choose from.

Way back in early 1999,

I sent a prayer to God to help me find a mate,

Because I was terrible at dating and just wanted to find that person I was supposed to be with already.

And the moment I asked for help, I saw the two women I could have,

But I was also shown that only one of them would answer my call in time to catch me.

Only one of them I could have,

But forever I would be craving both of them.

Always in limbo, I am,

With the one I love,

But also, 

Always away from my other love.

Forever together,

And forever apart...

Sometimes my other love and I run into each other.

But usually, it is unpleasant,

Violently sexual,

And ends in pain and tears.

It ain't easy being apart,

But apparently, we can't ever be together either.

And that is probably why I was given two loves instead of one,

Because only one was willing to spend their life with me,

While my other love forever runs free...