Saturday, March 2, 2024

Hey, Hollywood, who’s taking care of your kids???

People in Hollywood are just soooooooooooooooo busy.

So very, very, very, very, very busy.

They are important people,

And important people are always very, very, very, very, very busy.

Soooooooooooooooo busy.

Hollywood celebrities are always going here,

And going there.

They are always doing this important thing,

And doing that important thing.

They have a job in this town this week,

And then the next week they have a job in that other town waaaaaayyyyyy over there.

They are collecting trophies in one part of the world,

And then doing "charity" work in the other part.

And while being oh so busy, people in Hollywood get asked lots of questions.










But with all of these questions that get asked to these very important and very busy Hollywood celebrities about their busy careers and their important lives and all the amazing and spectacular fetes that they perform for us simple, ordinary masses,

No one ever asks,

"Hey, Hollywood, who's taking care of your kids?"

Because that's the question I always want to ask these Hollywood celebrities.

Hey, Kate Winslet, while you were learning to hold your breath underwater for 7 minutes for some movie sequels no one ever asked for and no one cares about, where were your kids?

Who was taking care of them?

And was it worth it to pay strangers to care for your kids just so you could play pretend in your middle age for millions of dollars when you already have more money than you could ever spend?

Hey, Tom Cruise, who's taking care of your youngest daughter while you hang off of a flying airplane that impresses no one just to prove how heterosexual you are?

Maybe you should be giving her a hug and some fatherly advice instead of flashing us a toothy grin?

Hey, Melissa Etheridge, instead of continuing on with your concert when you heard your son was in a terrible snowboarding accident, maybe you should have quit the show and taken him to the hospital to get proper care?

Maybe you would be able to give him a hug still instead of babbling endlessly to sycophantic talk show hosts about how much you miss him?

Hey, Hollywood,

How about you go take care of your kids instead?

Because I hear that these Hollywood kids are terribly sad and can't function to the point that they are dying.

They are committing suicide,

And having drug overdoses,

And can't even figure out how to buy groceries at a grocery store.

Hollywood kids need their parents too.

And they are all dying while you play your parts and perform your songs for your millions of dollars and your millions of fans,

Instead of being home to just be their mom or their dad.

Is playing pretend or singing a pretty song worth their pain?

Maybe it's time to let your kids be the stars of your life instead of you?

Because they're all dying while they forever wait for you.

originally created on 6/18/2021