Saturday, March 2, 2024

Let’s face it, trailers nowadays are better than movies…

Movies are mostly just terrible these days.

Time and again lately, I turn on a movie that I think I will love, only to discover it is a piece of shit, except for the parts from the trailer, which I had already seen, because I saw the trailer first and said, "Ooh, that looks good," so I decided to check out the movie, only to once again be fooled by the trailer that the movie would actually be good.

It ain't.

But the trailer was.

The trailer is always better than corporate Hollywood movies nowadays, so I stopped watching movies from Hollywood altogether recently and now just watch the trailers instead. That way I am never disappointed and always leave happy.

Plus, it only takes about 3 minutes to watch a trailer, so much more time to do other important things like watching YouTube videos.

Is it just me or is the best entertainment lately YouTube videos?

Even trailers can't top YouTube videos about cats doing cute stuff.

How did we ever survive before cats doing cute stuff on YouTube??

Ancient Egyptians would be proud.

And addicted to YouTube.

originally created on 4/16/2021