Monday, March 18, 2024

Now that my wife and me are moms, we are always at Target too...

I had heard for years via some very hilarious videos on YouTube that moms love Target.

They go to Target all the time and end up always buying up the whole store.

I thought it was ridiculous for women to do this.

"Who wants to buy a bunch of crap at Target???"

I would often think as I watched these YouTube treasures of decadence at discount prices.

Well, the wife and me hadn't been moms yet until very recently,

Except to cats,

But I guess cats aren't Target fans either,

Because until we had our son 15 months ago,

The wife and me just never went to Target.

We never thought about Target.

We never even drove past a Target.

Target just wasn't on our radars.





But now at least one day a week,

The wife and me are like those silly YouTube videos too making fun of the Target mom obsession.

We find ourselves going in for just one thing - 

Only baby food, we are only buying baby food.

But the next thing you know,

We have bought up half the store of baby things and more.

I guess lesbian moms are just like straight moms,

We love ourselves some Target shopping too.

I gotta go now.

It's time for another Target run.