Tuesday, March 5, 2024

If you're nonbinary, then it's a no-no to call yourself a lesbian...

I'm a lesbian, 

Which means that I am a WOMAN who is attracted sexually to other WOMEN.

If you're nonbinary, 

Then you're NOT a woman.


You can't call yourself a lesbian.

You can call yourself queer, 


But being nonbinary basically means you're genderless,

And sexuality is based on gender,


If you are going to have 7 million genders and fancy names to go with them,

Then you need to stick to your damn dumb labels and asinine definitions for these many, many, many, oh so many genders you created out of the blue just a few years ago.

Nonbinary people are NOT and CANNOT ever be a lesbian.


Now, please, leave us poor lesbians alone.

It's hard enough dealing with women as a lesbian,

We don't need your confused gender issues to deal with as well.

In other words,

This war on gender,

And binary,

And non-binary

And trans,

And cis,

And all of that crap is just that - 


Crap that is dividing us!

Crap that is making us hate each other!

Crap that is making us chop off perfectly healthy body parts!

And put chemicals into our bodies that have no business being there!

Good luck being a medical patient for the rest of your lives that are now being shortened due to all of these unnecessary surgeries and cross-sex hormones that have no business being in your perfectly healthy body.

This "healthcare" is being pushed on you,

Making you think that you desperately need dangerous alternations in order to be happy.

The healthcare system is a scam.

And doctors,

And hospitals,

And insurance companies

Don't give a shit about you.


You'll see.

And hopefully,

You'll learn.

God help you.

And I thought the AIDS crisis back in the 1980s was awful.

This gender identity/trans madness is just death to us gays by papercuts.